Engaging with Games at Babycastles Summit

The Babycastles’ game summit sparked thoughts on Nietzsche, larp, and games in public spaces. And the Ars Amandi workshop was unexpectedly intense.

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My Gen Con Pilgrimage

Gen Con is big. Really, really big. Bigger than any other convention I’ve been to. And although I walked around the convention center and at least four hotels over my Continue Reading →

How to Debrief a Freeform Game

It’s wise to give your players snacks, and let them talk about their feelings after a freeform game. Some thoughts from experienced freeform GMs on what a debrief should do and how to do it.

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DEXCON 15 Debrief

DEXCON 15 ruled. I played some awesome new games, learned a lot about GMing, and enjoyed many conversations about Nordic larp.

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DEXCON Fun & Larp Link Love

I head to DEXCON, and larpers across the world release books, comics, columns, and series.

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Wyrd Con 2012: Larp Meets Transmedia

At Wyrd Con, I learned about transmedia, alternate reality games, and hobnobbed with the west coast’s finest larpers and game designers.

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Leaving Mundania Bonanza

Since I last wrote with an update on Leaving Mundania, the book has been cooking in the media. I’ve been podcasted, broadcasted, filmed, questioned, and written up in a variety Continue Reading →