Playground: It Lives!
Like a Mummy locked inside a cursed pyramid, or a Japanese schoolgirl who has experienced near-death happiness, the Scandinavian larp mag Playground (dedicated to the “new wave” in roleplay) has shambled Continue Reading →
Like a Mummy locked inside a cursed pyramid, or a Japanese schoolgirl who has experienced near-death happiness, the Scandinavian larp mag Playground (dedicated to the “new wave” in roleplay) has shambled Continue Reading →
Witness British larp of the early 1980s.
So, you’ve created a character and rolled up to your local larp: what then? Experts from the U.S. and beyond talk about how to create a satisfying character arc.
Today I define “revenge larp.”
A thrilling compendium of larp magazines the world over. By which I mean live European magazines, and dead American ones.
Rev up your Google Translate and head over to Kalashnicore, a blog written by Swedish larper and feminist Anna Karin. Many of her posts respond to a list of challenges, Continue Reading →
Tips on how to find the right larp for you.
Novelist Urban Waite calls Leaving Mundania a “knockout book” and a “beautiful accomplishment.”
There are infinity-jillion roleplaying games, but you can talk about all of them using just three words: gamism, simulationism, narrativism. Find out what these mean and more in the first post in my “Larp Theory for Laypeople” series, in which I read the classics so you don’t have to.
Ethan Gilsdorf, author of Fantasy Freaks and Gaming Geeks: An Epic Quest for Reality Among Role Players, Online Gamers, and Other Dwellers of Imaginary Realms has endorsed Leaving Mundania. Lizzie Continue Reading →