Celebrities: Gaming Nerds Like Us

Gamers have officially entered America’s zeitgeist. World of Warcraft had more than 11.5 million subcribers — the same number as the total population of Cuba — at the end of last year.

It’s old news that Ted Raimi of Superman and more importantly, Xena: Warrior Princess fame is set to direct a WoW movie.  But more and more celebrities are coming out of the closet as hardcore gamer geeks.

This Daily Beast gallery (full disclosure: I contribute to the Beast’s Cheat Sheet) of famous gamers has a few surprise appearances — Dave Chappelle, Robin Williams, Curt Schilling — as well as well-known gamers such as Vin Diesel and Elijah Wood. Continue Reading →

Yes, I Want to Date Your Avatar

The inestimable Felicia Day, star of such fan-boy bait as The Guild and Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog, recently put out a new music video “Do You Want to Date My Avatar?” And the answer to that question is, yes, Felicia Day, I do want to date your avatar. Continue Reading →

Introducing the Massive LARP Calendar

There’s no single source of good LARP events on the web, in my experience.  Sure, Shade’s LARP List has a lot of links, but many of them are dead or lead to groups that are no longer active. So I decided to start my own calendar of LARP events and conventions across the US, and to make it searchable via Google. But this behemoth is only as good as my information. Continue Reading →

When the Game Carries Over

That in-game emotions sometimes spill over into the out of game world is one of the hazards of LARPing.  Say someone kills your character in-game, knowing that in doing so, they’re causing your character to lose stats.  Would you bear them ill-will once the event is over? I always thought my answer would be no.  After all, it’s the risk of conflict, penalty and the unknown plot point that makes LARP exciting.  But a few months ago I learned otherwise. Continue Reading →