A Week in Norway Recap
During the “A Week in Norway” run-up to the Knutepunkt convention, I learned methods for improvising rituals, collaborating on larp scripts, played innovative games, and got my larp theory on. IN A REAL ANTIQUE TRAM CAR!
During the “A Week in Norway” run-up to the Knutepunkt convention, I learned methods for improvising rituals, collaborating on larp scripts, played innovative games, and got my larp theory on. IN A REAL ANTIQUE TRAM CAR!
Over the last year, I gave three speeches on Nordic and American larp. Here are the notes.
How the September 11 attacks affected a New York City larp group. Notes from my Spring 2012 Nordic Larp Talk.
The Babycastles’ game summit sparked thoughts on Nietzsche, larp, and games in public spaces. And the Ars Amandi workshop was unexpectedly intense.
In light of the upcoming all-women run of the Nordic larp Mad About the Boy (October 5-8, Orange, CT, register here), here’s a primer on Nordic larp and its ilk Continue Reading →
While I was in Finland, I had the pleasure of participating in the Nordic Larp Talks, a yearly series of short talks on larp and larp design modeled on the Continue Reading →
Check out the Nordic Larp Talks, which relate deep thinking about the hobby in truly compelling fashion.