Leaving the Larp Closet

Come out of the larp closet in three easy steps: explain it to non-gamers using analogy, own it and forget about the haters, documentation doesn’t hurt. Advice from seasoned gamers.

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Why They Larp

Why on earth do people larp? Lots of reasons. Hear them from the giant, animatronic horses’ mouths.

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One-Shot Larps v. Campaigns

Do you prefer one-shot or campaign larps? The experts weigh in on what they like and why.

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I Caught a Fish THIS BIG: Realism, Tall Tales & American Larp

Does the historical inaccuracy of boffer larps reflect America’s truncated past? Plus, I finally find a way to use the words “simulacrum” and “hyperreality.”  Come for the theory, stay for the shameless jargon-usage!

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