Leaving the Larp Closet
Come out of the larp closet in three easy steps: explain it to non-gamers using analogy, own it and forget about the haters, documentation doesn’t hurt. Advice from seasoned gamers.
Come out of the larp closet in three easy steps: explain it to non-gamers using analogy, own it and forget about the haters, documentation doesn’t hurt. Advice from seasoned gamers.
Does the idea of larp fascinate you or pique your interest? Do you live in New Jersey? Do you play Knight Realms, Dystopia Rising, or another local game? Been to the DREAMATION Continue Reading →
I’m part of a new group called Death by Awesome, which will run jeepform style games and other Nordic detritus at the Double Exposure convention DREAMATION, which runs in Morristown, Continue Reading →
Tips on how to find the right larp for you.
In which Michael Pucci, head of the zombie apocalypse larp Dystopia Rising answers a couple more questions, including, “what is a splatter mod?”
Game organizer Michael Pucci extols zombies, talks television pilots, and argues that larp will become mainstream, if only larpers let it.