New in Larp: September 24, 2012

What’s new in larp? As usual, the world’s gaming enthusiasts have been busy podcasting, theorizing, and filming themselves for your pleasure. Here’s what I’ve been enjoying: Paul Graham Raven has the Continue Reading →

New in Larp: September 10, 2012

The newest in larp, from doctoral dissertations on BDSM to deconstructions of the “gamer wife” trope to a sweet sweet smackdown of the dude who posted that inane thing about booth babes on CNN.

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Engaging with Games at Babycastles Summit

The Babycastles’ game summit sparked thoughts on Nietzsche, larp, and games in public spaces. And the Ars Amandi workshop was unexpectedly intense.

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My Gen Con Pilgrimage

Gen Con is big. Really, really big. Bigger than any other convention I’ve been to. And although I walked around the convention center and at least four hotels over my Continue Reading →

New in Larp: August 13

Gender, and race, and religion, oh my! What’s new in larp on the web, from a must-watch talk on larp safety to a Swiss larper’s explanation of the US scene.

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