Remember that one time I went to a convention and wouldn’t shut up about it? Now I’m running a game I played there. This week, I’m bringing a little bit of Scandinavia to New Jersey as I run a couple of jeepform games at my local gaming convention, DEXCON 14 in Morristown New Jersey, which runs Wednesday-Friday of this week.
I am running two sessions of Previous Occupants (2010) by Frederik Berg Olsen and Tobias Wrigstad, 2pm-6pm on Thurs and again on Friday, and two sessions of Doubt (2007) by Frederik Axelzon and Tobias Wrigstad, 9am-1pm on Friday and Saturday, courtesy of the marvelous website Vi åker jeep (tr. We go by jeep). Each of the games are for four players. Previous Occupants introduces players to this style of roleplaying, while Doubt is known for being really intense, and sort of blew my mind when I played it.
These games aren’t your usual larp. In fact, in the Nordic lands, they are considered tabletop games, even though the players act out their behavior physically. There are no dice, no monsters and no dungeons; just players interacting with one another as ordinary, realistic people would, if people could give soliloquies and interacted according to a setlist of scenes.
If most larp is Lord of the Rings, these games are more like Lost in Translation.
The jeepers have a set of fascinating aesthetic principles, and the two games I am running are aimed at inducing bleed, mixing up the emotions of player and character, a move that sometimes gives players a moment of epiphany about themselves as people.
In other words, these two games gave me that good-art feeling afterwards. If you’re into that too, sign up and come play.